
7 Ways Partnering with IoT Can Save Your Business

The Internet of Things (IoT) is shaping the way we communicate with our electronic devices without us even realizing it sometimes. It refers to the way devices connect with each other over a network environment and holds many benefits for individuals as well as large organizations.

At one point, the use of the internet was primarily limited to laptops, smartphones, and tablets. IoT enables us to connect to our TVs, air conditioners, home security systems, and any other smart electronic devices. This enables users to get deeper insights into the devices working around them and monitor how the systems are running.

But how has the IoT impacted the workings of an organization? It’s no secret that today more and more businesses have integrated the use of IoT into their operations and have reaped the benefits from it. So let’s look at some ways IoT can add value to your business too.

How IoT can add value to your business

Reduce Costs

Using IoT as a way of reducing costs varies by industry. For example, manufacturing processes can streamline operations in supply chains and production.
One of the major ways IoT is helping manufacturing industries reduce costs is by eliminating the chance of unexpected downtime. Using predictive maintenance instead of scheduled maintenance ensures that production lines don’t come to a halt, which could lead to significant losses. Small devices are attached to machinery that use historical data to calculate when the machinery is due for maintenance and/or if any part has to be replaced. IoT also provides you with remote monitoring and real-time alerts, ensuring your operations run as smoothly and effectively as possible.

Provide Real-time Data

With the use of IoT solutions provided by premium NetSuite solution providers, you can get real-time insights into your operations across several supply chains and manage them more effectively.
IoT also provides you with the ability to manage inventory more effectively. Based on sensors and data collected, stock levels are automatically updated and can provide you with information about how sales for each item are running and alert you when products need immediate re-stocking.

Increase Revenue

Businesses are always looking toward following the latest trends and keeping up with the competition, regardless of the industry they’re in. Recognizing the benefits of IoT.

The way IoT can achieve this is due to a lot of factors. Whether it’s helping with business decisions, streamlining operations, or providing better products for customers, the list goes on.

This ensures that you stay ahead of your competitors and keep working towards making the best products for your consumers, which results in higher revenues.

Remote Work Support

The COVID-19 pandemic saw a huge shift in the workings of the office environment. Almost everyone was forced to adapt to a work-at-home situation, and the advancement of cloud technologies coupled with portable devices like smartphones, laptops, and tablets made that possible for the masses.

Enhance Workplace Safety

Ensuring the security and safety of a workplace is one of the top priorities of any workplace. Working in some industrial factories, for example, can be pretty dangerous, so the need for effective solutions to minimize any health risks or disasters is always important. While the use of IoT cannot completely protect employees in high-risk situations, it can help improve working conditions to ensure a safe and secure work environment.

IoT-enabled devices and wearables allow project managers to monitor their staff and immediately tend to anyone who requires any medical help, like stress or fatigue. These devices allow managers to measure things like heart rates, blood pressure, etc., and this approach toward employee safety can greatly reduce the risk of emergencies.

Improve the customer experience

The goal of any business is to offer the best customer experience possible. This is done by analyzing consumer preferences and behavior towards a product to make products suited for them.
The IoT plays a huge role in building customer satisfaction. It allows businesses to focus on the quality of the product by gathering data from the internet as well as tracking customers’ reviews and feedback, allowing you to improve the quality of products and services you offer. This builds a customer’s trust in your brand, which results in increased revenue and brand loyalty.

Sales Automation

Imagine a customer walking into a store, picking up exactly what you need, and just walking out without even going to a cash counter, while IoT-enabled devices and sensors automatically detect and scan barcodes and charge them to your bank account. That gives a consumer a customer experience like no other.

This serves as a benefit to the store owner, as labor costs will reduce and store management will become a little easier, allowing you to focus on other tasks and service development.


The technology of the Internet of Things provides great benefits to all parties involved, and we probably haven’t even scratched the surface of its potential as yet. There are plenty of innovations to follow in this sector.
There are challenges to implementing IoT in a business, such as cybersecurity and privacy. Getting some reinforced network security when adapting to IoT technologies for your business is crucial to keeping your privacy intact.
IoT can definitely increase your firm’s growth, and the examples given above are just a few ways they can benefit different industries. The key to that growth is how quickly and effectively a company can adapt to this system.

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